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Kinsale Infant School


Our Curriculum

‘Are you ready to Learn?’

At Kinsale Infant School, we have designed a fully comprehensive curriculum to meet the requirements of the latest National Curriculum review. We teach a creative curriculum that is tailored to meet individual needs and aspirations, which ensure all children are engaged and motivated to learn. We believe in developing the whole child and that they should be involved in shaping their own learning as much as possible.

All year groups plan around a topic that is linked to the children’s interests, incorporating the majority of subjects in to this, ensuring there is a strong focus on English and Maths. We encourage all children to be independent, reflective learners; keen to move their learning forward. Behaviours for Learning are the key to success. Children are able to develop a Growth Mindset to help support the effectiveness of their learning through our Joy of Not Knowing (JONK) initiative. It supports children in developing Global and fundamental British Values. The aim of our curriculum is to develop a love of learning for all in our care.

In Foundation Stage, we follow the Early Years Curriculum; measuring progress through the Development Matters Framework. We plan and deliver learning opportunities based on the children’s interests, which cover the Prime and Specific areas of learning and development.

Prime AreasSpecific Areas

Personal, Social and Emotional Development

Physical Development

Communication and Language



Understanding the World

Expressive Arts and Design

In addition, 3 other aspects run through all areas of learning in the Early Years:

  • Playing and Exploring
  • Active Learning
  • Creating and thinking critically

In Key Stage one, we follow the National Curriculum 2014, and integrate learning in all subject areas through the three year group topics taught over the year.

  • English
  • Maths
  • Science
  • History
  • Geography
  • Computing
  • Art and Design
  • Design and Technology
  • PE and Sport
  • Music
  • Religious Education
  • Personal, Health and Social Education (PSHE)

The topic for the Autumn term is linked to the idea ‘Explore’ and is geography and design technology themed. The topic for the Spring term is linked to the idea ‘Discover’ and is History themed. The topic for the Summer term is linked to the idea ‘Create’ and is arts themed

Our phonics teaching throughout the school follows the Letters and Sounds Programme of synthetic phonics teaching.

We have a book banded system for supporting the teaching of reading, which includes a range of published schemed books (Oxford Reading Tree, Project X, Collins Big Cat, Ginn, Story Chest and Phonics Bug). The children then progress onto read books of their choice from a wide selection of ‘Free Readers’. Children have regular guided reading sessions in their class to build on early reading comprehension and phonics skills.

 sessions are regularly taught throughout the school.

Curriculum Maps

Each term we produce a curriculum map with the skills that each year group will learn. The projects may change each year depending on the interests of the children.

In Reception, lots of the learning is based on the children’s interests, which cannot be planned for the term. The initial curriculum map will show the development of skills and the knowledge which will be initiated by adults. The curriculum map will then be updated at the end of each term to show the children’s independent learning.

In Key Stage One we teach a number of different concepts during the project so that the children are able to make greater links within their learning. Concepts are things that float around in our heads and inform our thoughts, beliefs and most aspects of our thinking – things like ‘kindness’, ‘honesty’, ‘fairness’, ‘equality’ and ‘belonging’.

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