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Kinsale Infant School


Our School SEND policy



SEND policy and information report for Kinsale Infant School 2024-2025. Contributing to the Norfolk Local offer for learners with SEND.


Welcome to our SEND information report which is part of the Norfolk Local Offer for learners with Special Education Needs and Disabilities (SEND). All governing bodies of maintained schools and nurseries have a legal duty to publish information on their website about the services they offer for pupils with SEND as well as the implementation of their SEND policy. The required information is set out in the SEND code of practice.

We are committed to working together with all members of our school community. This report has been developed through consultation with children, staff, governors and parents/carers. We would welcome your feedback and future involvement in the review of this contribution to the local offer, so please do contact us.

Laura Wallace  –SEND coordinator (SENDco)         David Rye – SEND governor

Our approach to teaching learners with SEND

Our school vision is:

Developing a love of learning for all. Always ready to learn.

Our school values are to be:

  • Ambitious
  • Respectful
  • Thoughtful
  • Caring
  • Friendly
  • Enthusiastic


Kinsale Infant School provides a broad and balanced curriculum for all children. We seek to raise achievement and remove barriers to learning, enabling all children to have equal access to the curriculum. All children are valued, respected and equal members of the school community. At Kinsale Infant School we do not discriminate against children on the grounds of race, gender or specific needs. We are committed to ensuring high quality teaching that promotes independent learning, confidence and self esteem. More information on our teaching and learning policy can be found here.

How we identify SEND

At different times in their school career, a child or young person may have a special educational need or disability. The code of practice defines SEND as:

‘A child or young person with… a learning difficulty or disability which calls for special educational provision to be made for him or her. A child… has a learning difficulty or disability if he or she:

  • has a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of others of the same age, or
  • has a disability which prevents or hinders him or her from making use of educational facilities of a kind generally provided for others of the same age in mainstream schools.’


Identification of pupils with SEND will be made through one or more of the following:

  • Teacher and Teaching Assistant observation and ongoing assessment
  • Parental concern
  • Termly pupil progress meetings between class teachers and senior leaders in school
  • Termly meetings between class teachers and the SENDco.
  • Progress data tracking
  • Internal assessment by SEND staff which may involve the use of formal assessment tools.
  • Assessment by external agencies (click here for more information about county services)
  • Information and observations from feeder schools and pre-schools.


If a learner is identified as having SEND, we will make provision for them that is additional to or different from the normal differentiated curriculum. Vulnerable learners such as children with persistent absence or those with English as an additional language may fall behind their peers but only those children with a specific learning difficulty will be identified as having SEND.

Our SEND profile for Summer 2024:

  • 18% of all children in our school were identified as having a Special Educational Need or Disability.
  • 17% of our children with SEND had an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP)
  • 8% of our children’s primary SEND was sensory or physical (including those with medical needs)
  • 33% of our children’s primary SEND was communication or interaction.
  • 33% of our children’s primary SEND was cognition and learning.
  • 25% of our children’s primary SEND was social, emotional or mental health.


This information is based on the primary need of children in our school although many children with SEND have additional needs in other areas.

What we do to support learners with SEND

Our school follows an assess, plan, do, review cycle to support children with SEND.

  • Assess – we use a range of assessment tools including teacher assessment and those by outside professionals to identify each child’s specific barriers to learning.
  • Plan – we plan what we will do to work towards overcoming these barriers by setting short term targets in SEND support plans. These targets could be achieved through additional interventions or by making adjustments to the child’s learning in class.
  • Do – we put the planned interventions or adjustments in place for a set time period.
  • Review – we measure the impact of the interventions and adjustments then use this to inform our next cycle of support.


Every teacher is required to adapt the curriculum to ensure access to learning for all children in their class using a range of strategies such as:

  • Consulting children about their interests, strengths and weaknesses to improve the impact of provision.
  • Differentiated tasks given within the class to meet individual learning targets.
  • Additional intervention activities in small groups or individually (including bespoke interventions as well as those with a strong evidence base such as Wellcomm, nurture, and sensory circuits).
  • Resources or equipment such as visual timetables, ramps or handrails, coloured overlays, Ipads, laptops or special furniture to support learners with specific needs.
  • Access to the school’s sensory room and sensory garden.
  • Additional adult support where appropriate.
  • Seeking support or training from outside agencies where appropriate.
  • Giving advice to parents on appropriate support activities outside school hours and the implementation of a joint learning approach between home and school (further support for parents and carers is available through our pastoral lead -link to pastoral part of website)


Any activities that are additional to or different from the normal differentiated curriculum are described in our school’s provision map. This demonstrates the interventions that are available to children at our school (including those with SEND) and is adapted at least termly to suit their needs.

Funding may be required to support some of our children with SEND. Our school is able to apply for money directly from the Local Authority to help support learners with more complex SEND needs. This is known as ‘top up funding’ and is for learners who require support that exceeds that which is available to the school.

Our school is a caring community, whose values are built upon mutual trust and respect for all.  Bullying is not tolerated and RSHE lessons and assemblies make children aware of how to deal with any concerns they may have. More information can be found in our anti-bullying and behaviour policies.

 How do we find out if the support we provide for SEND is effective?

Monitoring the progress of all children is essential to support teaching and learning in our school. For children with SEND, children, staff and parents/carers are fully involved in setting future targets as well as reviewing the impact of interventions. This will be done at least termly. For children who currently have an EHCP, a formal review will also take place at least annually and every six months for children under 5 years.

The SENDco in conjunction with other staff members, analyses SEND progress data to ensure that both whole class teaching and interventions are meeting the needs of our pupils with SEND. Progress data of all learners at Kinsale Infant is analysed by teachers, Senior Leaders and governors, the Local Authority and Ofsted.

 Other opportunities for learning

All learners at Kinsale have the same opportunity to access extra-curricular activities. This includes making reasonable adjustments for children with long-term conditions such as asthma, diabetes or epilepsy although these children are not considered to have SEND (click here for information about our school’s Equality Information and Objectives and our school’s medical needs policy). At Kinsale we offer a wide range of clubs which are open to all and change termly. Further information about clubs can be found in our monthly newsletters. For information about other activities in the area click here.

 Preparing for the next step

Transition is a part of life for all learners between classes and schools. We are committed to ensuring transitions are positive for all children at Kinsale. This may include additional visits and / or meetings for children with SEND and their parents. It may also include extra resources or strategies to ensure that their needs are met.

Joining our school:

When children move into our school, the Headteacher, SENDCo and / or Early Years Foundation Stage Leader will liaise with feeder pre-schools, nurseries and other schools to discuss and prepare for all children’s needs on entry to our school. All efforts will be made to ensure a smooth transition between all settings for all children. Parents will be invited to make an appointment to meet with the SENDco before their child starts school if they have any concerns that their child may require additional or different support.

Leaving our school:

The SENDco will ensure that all SEND documentation is passed on when a child moves from one school to another. There will also be personal liaison as necessary with staff at the child’s new school.

Have your say

This SEND information report shows what we offer at Kinsale Infant School to support children with SEND. To ensure it is effective it requires contributions from children, parents, governors and staff. Please contact us if you have any feedback to support our next annual review of this contribution to Norfolk’s local offer which will take place in July 2023. 

If you feel that your child may have a special educational need or disability please speak to their class teacher or contact Mrs Wallace to arrange an appointment. If you have any complaints or concerns regarding SEND provision, you can contact Mrs Wallace or the Headteacher through the school office.

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