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Kinsale Infant School


School Uniform

You can now order uniform online at:

  (In named draw string bag to be kept on peg in class)

Grey trousers / shorts

White polo shirt

Navy sweatshirt

Grey / black socks

Black school shoes

Grey skirt / dress / trousers

Navy & white checked summer dress

White polo shirt

Navy sweatshirt or cardigan

Grey tights / white or grey socks

Black school shoes

Navy hair accessories

Navy shorts

White t shirt

Plimsolls or trainers

Tracksuit trousers

Tracksuit top

All children need tracksuit top, trousers and trainers or plimsolls in their PE kit all year, as outdoor PE happens all year round.

Children should not wear trainers as part of their everyday school uniform please.

Earrings must be stud earrings and will need to be removed or taped for all PE sessions. Other jewellery (except watches) or nail varnish is not to be worn for school. Long hair should be tied back for school EVERYDAY.

Please also ensure your child brings their school water bottle every day, and also a named book bag for books and letters.  (Should you require a replacement water bottle, these are available from the school office for £1).

If you need to search lost property, please come into the school office and we will assist.

All children need tracksuit top, trousers and trainers or plimsolls in their PE kit all year, as outdoor PE happens all year round.

Children should not wear trainers as part of their everyday school uniform please.

Earrings must be stud earrings and will need to be removed or taped for all PE sessions. Other jewellery (except watches) or nail varnish is not to be worn for school. Long hair should be tied back for school EVERYDAY.

Please also ensure your child brings their school water bottle every day, and also a named book bag for books and letters.  (Should you require a replacement water bottle, these are available from the school office for £1).

If you need to search lost property, please come into the school office and we will assist.

uniform grant poster
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