Joining our Reception classes
At Kinsale Infant School, we pride ourselves on planning a transition programme for new children which enables them to make the best start to their educational journey.
We believe if the transition is well planned and appropriate, the children will settle into school successfully and be ready to achieve positively.
We will:
- Visit all new Reception children in their pre school or nursery settings
- Ensure we receive verbal and written records of progress from pre school or nursery settings
- Welcome the children to visit school in July
- Meet parents / carers to share key information
- Provide a project for the children to complete over the summer before starting school
- Provide a video and photos of the class environment (which can be shared with family and friends before starting school)
- Invite all parents / carers and children to meet school staff at the start of term
- Stagger the start of school to ensure it meets the needs of all learners
- Provide workshops on key learning aspects to support parents and carers
Transition days
Transition Reception to Year 1
Transition Year 1 to Year 2
To ensure a positive transition between Year 1 and 2, Key Stage 1 teachers work closely together throughout the year to ensure children are ready to progress into their new year group.
More formal transition occurs in the summer term when:
- Year 1 children engage in more ‘must do activities’ and less self-chosen activities to prepare them for the more formal learning style in Year 2.
- Year 1 Class teachers meet with Year 2 teachers to discuss the needs of individual children moving into their class.
- All children join their new class for 3 full transition days at the end of the summer tern.
- All children are provided with a page to look at over the summer holidays including photographs and information about their new classroom and the staff members working within it.
- Where necessary, additional visits and meetings are arranged to support the transition of individual children into their new classroom.
Transition from Year 2 to Year 3
It is vital for all children that their transition to junior school is as smooth as possible. Whilst the large majority of pupils at our school go on to Kinsale Junior School, we work closely with all feeder schools to support those children for whom this is not the case.
To ensure a positive transition:
- We work closely with feeder junior schools to arrange visits for Year 2 children throughout the year as well as the formal transition days at the end of the year.
- In the summer term, Year 2 Class teachers meet with Year 3 teachers to discuss the needs of individual children.
- Where a child has Special Educational Needs or Disabilities (SEND), the Senco works with Sencos from feeder schools to ensure additional transition meetings and visits are held where appropriate.
- Where necessary, additional visits and meetings are arranged to support the transition of individual children.