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Kinsale Infant School


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April 23, 2024

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3Easter holidaysEaster holidays+ Google calendar 4Easter holidaysEaster holidays+ Google calendar 5Easter holidaysEaster holidays+ Google calendar 6Easter holidaysEaster holidays+ Google calendar 7Easter holidaysEaster holidays+ Google calendar 8Easter holidaysEaster holidays+ Google calendar 9Easter holidaysEaster holidays+ Google calendar
10Easter holidaysEaster holidays+ Google calendar 11Easter holidaysEaster holidays+ Google calendar 12Easter holidaysEaster holidays+ Google calendar 13Easter holidaysEaster holidays+ Google calendar 14Easter holidaysEaster holidays+ Google calendar 15Easter holidaysEaster holidays+ Google calendar 16Easter holidaysEaster holidays+ Google calendar
17Easter holidaysEaster holidays+ Google calendar 18 19 20 21 22Earth dayEarth day+ Google calendar 23
24Eco weekEco week+ Google calendar Parents Evening online
3:30 pm - 6:00 pm
Parents Evening onlineTime: 3:30 pm - 6:00 pm
+ Google calendar
25Eco weekEco week+ Google calendar 26Eco weekEco week+ Google calendar 27Whole class photosWhole class photos+ Google calendar World 'stop food waste' dayWorld 'stop food waste' day+ Google calendar Eco weekEco week+ Google calendar Friends of KIS AGM
3:20 pm
Friends of KIS AGMTime: 3:20 pm
In school + Google calendar
28Eco weekEco week+ Google calendar 29 30
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